
My Platform

I am running as a stand-alone candidate for Colorado State Senator in District 26.

I am doing this for you, the Constituent.

My candidacy is a public service, unlike my opponent, who is a professional politician.

If you elect me, I will immediately try to re-institute conservative (common-sense) policies by repealing the 4.40% Colorado State Income Tax to cut off some of the funding for the lunacy and bring a new priority to improving our roads and bridges and public safety which seem to be ignored at the moment.

I will push for the construction of highly efficient nuclear power centers and bring relief to the energy and agricultural sectors.

I will fully defend your god given rights and empower law enforcement. I will also defend your refunds under the TABOR amendment which they are always trying to destroy.

My opponent was appointed to the seat. He is the son of a Liberal billionaire.

He also has an unlimited amount of money being contributed by Code Blue and other groups.

I really am "David against Goliath" in this race...

Please help me to make Colorado and our part of America Great Again!