

As a long-term state "Candidate Community Service" volunteer, I have witnessed a shocking decline in the quality of life in our beautiful home state of Colorado.

My first campaign was in 2008 at the start of the Liberal Democrat takeover of Colorado. Any citizen can observe the destruction in Downtown Denver and most of our other cities in the State since then.

This is the result of the absolute "lunacy" of their policies and judgements. I have volunteered in an area of the south Denver Metro area where the voters have obediently voted "Lockstep" for the Democrat candidates on the ballot.

They would probably elect a glass of beer if that was the candidate. They have elevated a group of social activists (not-common-sense businesspeople) to most of the positions in state government.

Some of their destructive priorities include:

  1. Unilaterally deciding that you must get rid of your truck or SUV which are the most practical vehicles in Colorado and buy a dysfunctional electric car (The batteries manufactured primarily in Communist China).
  2. Unilaterally force a change in our power supply from the current reliable coal and gas plants to some windmill and solar power fantasy. (Again, most of the components coming from Communist China).